Week 2 - a hiccup then a start, at long last

Monday 11 June

Space for skip saved yesterday evening with help from neighbours who have moved cars and put out wheelie bins on the highway outside my house to stop others parking there until the skip truck comes.  

No sign of skip on Monday morning.  Text to builder - where is it?  Builder replies by forwarding email from the skip hire company.  The Highway Authority has still not issued license for skip. They don’t know why....

Tuesday 12 June

I phone street licensing to find out what's going on, only too be told that although the skip hire company did email last week requesting a license, they didn't send the attachment with details until yesterday.  But the nice lady took pity on me and said they would try to turn around the application quickly now.

Wednesday 13 June

8 am text from builder.  Skip hire company called to say skip being delivered today.  Guys will be on site tomorrow in full swing. Skip arrived at lunchtime.  Finally feels like the project is really starting.

Dust covers up on doors.  Both fell down.  More Duck Tape seems to have done the trick.  Will they stay up?

Thursday 14 June

Woo Hoo!  The builders have arrived....and spent the day digging a hole....the start of the excavation for the foundations of the single storey side extension.  And the dust covers stayed up...until the builders took one of them down to get the wheelbarrow in and out of the garden through the kitchen, rather than bringing the spoil through the back room by enlarging the window opening.  Ah well, as long as they get it out somehow....At least I'll still have light and outlook from that window for the time being!  

Friday 15 June

Up at the crack of dawn, expecting the builders at 8am.  In fact, they don't arrive until 9.30 am, but worked hard through the day and almost finished excavating the footings for the walls of the extension.  The Building Inspector is coming on Monday, then they can pour the concrete for the foundations.

After they have gone, I have a good look at what they've done and am impressed.  It's hard work digging by hand and taking everything through the house in a wheelbarrow to the skip in the street. However, they need to take down the fence and fence posts to excavate right up to the boundary and finish off digging as far as the corner of the existing house before they put the concrete.  So I text the builder to make sure this finishing off is done before the Building Inspector arrives and they move on to the next stage.  

Slightly concerned that the down pipe from the roof gutter of the rear wing of the house now terminates mid-air (but at least no heavy rain is forecast in the foreseeable future....).  It also occurs to me that they really ought to sort out the drainage connections which will run under the walls of the new extension before they pout the concrete....much easier to do that now, than to have to drill through the concrete foundations when the concrete has gone off to connect the soil vent pipe at the back of the house to the drains under the extension.  So that suggestion goes into text to the builder too.  

My last house project related job of the day is to visit my immediate neighbours to give them an update and to send a couple of photos to my kids so they know the work actually started.  And here they are:
